Access Restriction in a Canvas App Using a SharePoint Group and Power Automate
In this Power Apps Tutorial, We will discuss how to restrict users from accessing certain features in a canvas app, while other users can still see and use features. How to use SharePoint action in Power Automate to authenticate a user. Why to Restrict Access? In any App, there’s always more than one type of user. For example, there will be customers, staff, administrators, in business management application. An administrator will have access to everything meanwhile, staff will have limited access however a customer can only access his data. Therefore, we need to make sure that we restrict users from interacting with specific data or features. For example, using Power Automate, we can hide anything in our Canvas App from users so that they do not interact with it. With the help of SharePoint group we will come to know how has access and who does not. 1. Create a SharePoint group. Navigate to SharePoint site click on setting and site permission. Next ...