Upload a Word document in a Canvas app using Power Automate and save it to a SharePoint location.

·    Navigate to : https://make.powerapps.com/

·    Create a Canvas app

·    Open the created app

·    Click -->Insert -->Select Media->Add picture.

·    Add below formula OnSelect property.

Lower(Last(Split(AddMediaButton1.FileName, ".")).Value));



Button Event OnSelect:


FileName, fileType,


                    contentBytes: AddMediaButton1.Media,

                    name: AddMediaButton1.FileName




Click on 3 dots Select PowerAutomate Create a power Automate flow with CreateDocumentInSharepoint


Flow will open Add 3 parameter

·        FileName

·        DocType

·        FileContent

​​​​​​​Create File (sharepoint)

·        Site Address: select SharePoint connect

·        Folder Path: Select site content in SharePoint document folder path

·        File Name: triggerBody()[“text]

·        File Content: triggerBody()?[‘file’]?[‘contentBytes’]


Attach the file in canvas app on click on submit button.

Once  the flow run successfully Navigate to Sharepoint site and check file is uploaded.





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